How To Make Toilet/Mop/Sink Bombs

How To Make Toilet/Mop/Sink Bombs


Toilet/Mop/Sink Bombs are a great product that are really simple to make and are a popular seller for a lot of people. They are not a cosmetic product so they just require a CLP label to be added to the packaging and they're good to go.

Ingredient ratios can be found at the bottom of this blog.

To make 200g of Bombs (Enough to fill a HB Clamshell) you will need:


  • 129g of Sodium Bicarbonate (Bicarb)
  • 62g of Citric Acid
  • 6g of Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate (SLSA/Lathanol)
  • 3g of Fragrance Oil
  • Distilled Water in a spray bottle with an atomiser cap


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Scales
  • HB Clamshell or mould of your choice
  • Gloves


  1. Add your Bicarb & SLSA to your mixing bowl and mix together well with your hands using gloves.
  2. Add the Fragrance Oil to the Bicarb/SLSA Mixture and mix well again until it's all combined.
  3. Add sprays of distilled water to the mixture and mix it all together with your hands. We suggest that you add a few sprays at a time and test the texture after mixing. The texture of the mixture needs to resemble damp sand and if you squeeze it into a ball in your palms it should be able to hold its shape. Be careful not to make the mixture too wet as this will activate the citric acid once it's added.
  4. Once you’re happy with the consistency of the mixture add in the citric acid and mix well again until fully combined. You will need to test the the consistency of the mixture again and add more water if it's now too dry. It still needs to feel like damp sand and hold its shape. Make sure to add sprays of water gradually and evenly around the mixture to prevent the Citric Acid from starting to fizz.
  5. Pack the mixture tightly into each section of the HB Clamshell or the mould you've chosen.
  6. Leave the mixture to dry in a warm non-humid room until it goes solid - could be a few hours but might need to be overnight.


You can either sell and ship the bombs in the HB Clamshells or you can pop them out reuse the clamshell on your next batch. These should have a great fizzing action and give off a strong fragrance whilst they're being used.

When using them in a toilet or sink you leave the bomb to fizz away for a few minutes then flush or drain the water out. It should leave the toilet or sink clean or if not then any stains should have been softened enough to be removed with light scrubbing. In a mop bucket, leave the bomb until it has stopped fizzing then use the water to clean the floor.

The scent should overcome any bad odours and our odour eliminating oils will even remove them completely!


Let us know how you get on or if you have any questions below.


Ingredient Ratios - You must follow these to use our CLP

Sodium Bicarbonate 64.5%
Citric Acid 31%
Fragrance Oil 1.5%

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